Raychowdhury Named New Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Arijit Raychowdhury started as the Steve W. Chaddick School Chair for ECE, on December 1, 2021. Raychowdhury has been a member of the Georgia Tech faculty since January 2013. He is the director of Georgia Tech’s Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology Center for Circuits and Systems, while also serving as the co-director of the Georgia Tech Quantum Alliance.
Raychowdhury is a pioneer in energy-efficient digital and mixed-signal circuit and system research. He has contributed to foundational technologies that have been widely adopted by the leading semiconductor industries. In addition to his roles at Georgia Tech, Raychowdhury is currently a distinguished lecturer of the IEEE Solid State Circuits Society and a mentor for IEEE Young Professionals and IEEE Women in Circuits. He has leadership roles in multiple National Science Foundation and Semiconductor Research Corporation centers.
A diverse group of faculty, staff, and students participated in a nationwide search for the new chair. The committee was led by Susan Margulies, professor and former chair of the Wallace H. Coulter Department of Biomedical Engineering at Georgia Tech and Emory University. Professor Douglas Blough served as ECE’s interim chair until Raychowdhury was selected.

Zhang Appointed ECE Senior Associate Chair
Ying Zhang was appointed senior associate chair for the ECE, effective August 1, 2021. She succeeded Mary Ann Weitnauer, who served in the position since 2016.
Zhang joined the ECE faculty in 2006 after graduating with her Ph.D. in systems engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. She began her career at the Georgia Tech Savannah campus and then moved to the Atlanta campus in 2012, where she is currently a professor and the director of the Sensors and Intelligent Systems Laboratory.
She is highly involved in enhancing education for both undergraduate and graduate students. As a Provost Teaching and Learning Fellow, she worked with colleagues to develop strategies that can help faculty to incorporate best practices for blended, face-to-face, and online teaching during and after the pandemic.