ECE student groups provide outlets for community building, K-12 outreach and service, and professional development. Our students also participate in interdisciplinary clubs and many social, professional, and cultural organizations at Georgia Tech.
ECE Ambassadors • ECE Graduate Student Organization • Eta Kappa Nu•
Georgia Tech IEEE • The Hive • Women in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Outstanding ECE students were recognized by the School at this year’s Roger P. Webb Awards Program on April 19, 2022.
- Katherine Roberts | Outstanding Electrical Engineering Senior Award
- Zachary Olkin | Outstanding Computer Engineering Senior Award
- Landon Ballard, Chenghao Duan | ECE Graduate Teaching Assistant Excellence Award
- Sajjad Abodollahramezni, Santhosh Karnik, Mohit Prabhushankar, Mohammad S. E. Sendi | ECE Graduate Research Assistant Excellence Awards
- Pradyot Yadav | Electrical and Computer Engineering Undergraduate Research Award
- Panni Wang | Sigma Xi Best Ph.D. Thesis